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TJIF | Black Cat Love

Tell Junipurr It’s Friday!

[image via Manki Kim]

Hallelujah, Friday is HYAH! And not just any ol’ Friday, either — today is Halloween Eve, which I hereby declare Black Cat Love Day. By the way, apparently there is also Black Cat Appreciation (August 17), National Black Cat Day (Oct 27), and Black Cat Protection Month (Oct). The more black cat celebrations, the merrier, I say! What creative celebrations are you looking forward to, friends? To jumpstart the treats, voilà this week’s cat-related gems from around the www + cat parent forum.

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Community Discussion Prompt: Black Cat Love

Don’t tell Junipurr, but black cats do have an extra va va voom in the sleek department. The very first cat I got to be roomies with, thanks to a NYC Airbnb stay ten years ago, is a black cat named Bandit who relished playing mind games with me. Bandit would hide in nooks of the home that perfectly disguised her pure ebony coat, then she’d make the briefest of mews to cue me in hide-&-seek. However, she must have placed voice recordings of herself all over the house, because as soon as I headed in the direction of one mew, a mew would sound from somewhere behind me. It was a game of Marco Polo that she always won. #Ninja

Years later, when I was adopting Junipurr, I thought superstition against black cats was a regrettable human belief of yesteryear. I was shocked to learn from my adoption counselor that the shelter has to take extra precautions in finding families for black cats, especially around Halloween, because even in our city, even in recent times, there are incidents of people adopting black cats to use as props or to perform Satanist “rituals.” (This article provides some specific examples. Trigger warning: Horrific violence)

Let’s join the movement to end this superstition from the Middle Ages, friends. If we put our cat parent + animal loving minds together, I know we can brainstorm solutions. What ideas do you have for ending black cat superstition and violence? Or, if you know of any joyful black cat adoption stories, please do share!

p.s. If you are new (welcome!) or it’s been a minute, please check out the Community Discussion Guidelines & chime in!