Junipurr Studio

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Minimal Waste Living with Cat: The Journey Begins!

It’s Earth Day, friends!

Earth Day sure brings up the feels, don’t it?

For me, it conjures happy memories of Topanga Canyon Earth Day celebrations where I experienced wonders such as sound bath, hemp milk, and modern day hippies … as well as suppressed despair about the devastation we humans are ravaging upon our precious home.

However, since reading a life-changing book, I’ve been more empowered to take micro-actions for Mother Earth.

Now, when people say a book was life changing, I often feel:

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… followed by sore disappointment.

How did it change your life? Details, people! To quote famed cat person Taylor Swift: "We need receipts and reasons! (shoutout to #swifties ;)

So, when I say Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson is one of the most life-changing books I’ve read in the past five years, you can trust that I’ma give you the 5Ws on my transformation.


  • *Intend* to reduce plastic consumption by bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, but actually remember to do so 35% of the time

  • Buy jollifiers as my heart desires and budget allows. In particular, buy cat gear left and right, mostly out of inspiration but also out of guilt when I’ve been away for work (now I know why my dad always came home from work trips with a Toblerone!)

  • Feel massive amounts of guilt + helpness, especially when reading news about environmental degradation. In short: Flailing due to misalignment between values and daily life habits.


  • *Religiously* bring reusable shopping bags, tared jars, and produce mesh bags, on grocery runs

  • Seek out minimal packaging cleaning products like soap from my local refill store, and when I can’t find what I need locally, source from trustworthy online stores like EarthHero (which is a certified B Corp and member of 1% for the Planet, plus their packages are carbon neutral and appropriately sized for the order, unlike Amazon … 🤭)

  • Still feel overwhelmed, but also more energized to minimize environmental footprint in all areas of my life, including my cat parenting

Life changed, y’all!

Though Zero Waste Home has a wealth of smart recommendations, it does not really touch upon the subject of zero waste living with pets. Megean Weldon’s beautifully designed An Almost Zero Waste Life has a few pages on this subject, though I would caution researching before implementing some of her tips (ex. her advice of composting cat poop is not recommended by numerous organic and carbon gardeners). A few bloggers and Youtubers have also created tips and case studies (see Resources below).

Which brings us to the present moment.

I am very much a beginner on this journey of minimal waste living with a cat, but I’ll share the life habits I’ve implemented thus far. As with all other subjects we explore here at Junipurr Studio, let’s learn in community! Please do share your tips and best practices in comments below :)

Minimal Waste Living with A Cat:

  1. Channel my mom guilt towards Junipurr by being fully present with her when I can, for at least a few minutes each day via a connection break and setting up her cat jungle gym.

  2. IF a new cat toy or gear is warranted, source products that are ethically made and from ethical stores. PurrfectPlay and the aforementioned EarthHero are two e-commerce stores that offer environmentally responsible pet products. (Pro tip: This handcrafted pet brush is hands-down Junipurr’s favorite brush of all time.) Also, create new games with existing household items! Junipurr’s favorite game is one we invited together: The Marshmallow, which just needs a fitted sheet and flat surface. (LMK in comments if you want to know more about the game :)

  3. Reuse plastic bags as litter bags. Though I’ve significantly reduced the amount of plastic produce bags that come into my home thanks to my reusable produce mesh bags, a handful always sneak in each month. I reuse those suckers as litter bags.

  4. Share! This one is admittedly tricky because of covid AND cats’ sensitivity to scents. Here’s how I do it: Often when I buy toys, especially those little crinkle or catnip toys, they come in packages of three or more. I keep one for Juni, then I put the other new, untouched toys in a bag to gift friends who also have cats.

What zero waste living with cat techniques have you tried, friends? Please chime in with what worked and what didn’t, or any new ideas you are keen to try!

Finally, to leave you with inspiration, this couple and a group of cats in Taiwan only produce 100 grams of garbage each month!