
Dear friend,

I am delighted you are here! I hope that you feel welcome and empowered to kick off your shoes, soak up one another’s insights, and chime in with your own wisdom. This is a safe space for learning and sharing. I take the privilege of building community for fellow cat parents and animal welfare advocates seriously, so I’d like to share with you my Cat Parent Pledge on how this digital hub is run:

To be clear: I am not a veterinarian, animal behavior counselor, feline nutrition specialist, or any other type of certified therapist for felines or their people. I do not work in the pet industry, and I do not have ties with anyone who does.

What I am: A real-life cat parent who has an insatiable desire for learning, especially in community with fellow furbaby parents and animal lovers. I am also the daughter of a scientist and a voracious reader. My mom spoon fed me literature and love for storytelling from the heart, and my dad taught me how to analyze scientific journals and seek the layers of truth. Both pushed me to discover through real-life exploration. This upbringing directly informs my work ethos today. What drives me is creating the most enriching life I can for Junipurr — and doing it in such a way that you, dear reader, feel inspired and supported on your own cat parenting journey.

I create content that flows from what's on my heart and mind, with a focus on actionable information for our cats’ holistic well-being. Editorial integrity is paramount. Every article on cat parenting you will find here is thoroughly researched and “triaged,” i.e. I consult, verify, pressure-test, and synthesize at minimum three (the average per article is 15) sources, with heavy emphasis on academic/clinical research, veterinarian/animal behavior consultant advice, and animal rescue society/organizations’ data. Importantly, I openly outline what I don’t know, and I transparently share my resources and references, so that you can have a leg up as you continue the research yourself. My goal is not to dictate “the” answer, as there is rarely a one size fits all solution, but to share what I know and help move the conversation forward. In short, it’s one big virtual Resource Party for us cat parents and animal welfare advocates. Thus, it is incredibly valuable that you chime in. To quote author & healer Rachel Naomi Remen: “Perhaps the secret of living well is not in having all the answers but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company.”

You are wholeheartedly invited to comment on each/any article as well as share your truth in the dedicated Friday Forums (please do take a moment to read the Community Discussion Guidelines).

Thank you for being a part of the community!

p.s. Note, content on this site is for education and community discussion purposes only. Please do consult your veterinarian with any questions or concerns about parenting your cat.