Feel Good Kit

Hi there, friend. How are you feeling this US election day? I don’t mean in the “hihowareyoubye” way. I’d genuinely like to know.

If you are feeling a simultaneous yearning for inner stillness AND warm-fuzzy distractions, I am with you. To quote one of my favorite bloggers, Joanna from Cup of Jo, “all I want to do is sit in the corner and have a quiet heart attack.” But, as heart attacks are not conducive to either personal health or the collective movement, let’s breathe through this. Here is a Feel Good Kit to remind you that this world is full of goodness and beauty.


Junipurr plays chess!

YAAS, friend! We’re raising a lil Magnus Carlsen over here! Junipurr has an endearing tendency to get interested in whatever her parents are into (“Cooking? I’m here, beneath your feet in a prime tripping spot! Your phone? I’m on it, literally.”). Naturally, when her Favorite Parent got into chess recently, Juni followed suit. Here she is, contemplating the pounce. I mean checkmate! :)


Cozy watercolors

Tokyo-based artist Shozo Ozaki is one of those souls who has an innate kinship with nature’s ambassadors, especially cats, birds, and dogs. He captures their little mischiefs and joys, and their vivaciousness, in such a cozy, light-handed manner, don’t you think? His painting “Cat and Bird” is one that always makes me chuckle. (IG | Artist Profile)

Cats vs Dinosaur

Speaking of cats and other animals, Korean Youtuber and mom to 7(!) cats, Claire of Kittisaurus, shared this hilarious video proving that when dinosaurs ruled the earth ... cats were likely still on top :)

Flashmob Harmony

Since we are already on the ‘tube, remember this oldie but goldie from when the Sjællands Symfoniorkester (the Copenhagen philharmonic) awed and delighted commuters on the Copenhagen Metro? The transformation of expressions from confusion to delight to profound joy … ! Life is beautiful. (via On Being)


Comfort Food

Comfort food is about joyful, cozy memories, often harkening back to our childhood. Enter: Rice Krispies, a core part of the Home Ed curriculum (oh hello, elementary school memories!). If you grew up in the US, you may recall that learning to make Rice Krispies was deemed by the American school system as a necessary skill for survival. They were right! This vegan Rice Krispies recipe from the brilliant Timothy Pakron, a veritable artist with flavor, is the stuff of comfort food dreams.



This is our mantra for today. What is yours, friend? Hope you are staying safe and well!

p.s. 70 People from 70 Countries Imitating What Cats and Dogs Sound Like. Some of these people were SO GOOD that Juni literally looked up from her food bowl with a startled expression. People got talent!


TJIF | Hygge for cats


TJIF | Black Cat Love