TJIF | Holiday Cheer

Tell Junipurr It’s Friday!

Lil Miss Sprite above is one of the many furbabies available for adoption currently at Sequoia Humane Society

Can you believe it? Today is the second to last Friday of 2020, and Christmas is just a week away! Are you and your furbaby … baking cookies or biscuits? Putting up a Christmas tree or bringing down all the ribbons and ornaments? Wrapping up gifts or hopping into boxes and claiming them yours? Oh, the possibilities of #holidaywithcat!

Last night a dear friend (the divine Miss M. from Junipurr’s adoption story!) dropped off a tin of gorgeous Christmas cookies outside our door, which filled our hearts with holiday cheer. I can’t quite recreate that magic for you, alas, but I can offer a few animal-related links guaranteed to make you feel happy and warm inside. Enjoy!

Link Pack

  • These Californian middle schoolers teamed up with their local humane society to paint watercolor portraits of all the adoptable animals, and all is well in the world (for a moment, at least). Seriously, how lovely and hope-giving is it that these youngsters are a part of our present and future? Kinda jealous of all the new pet parents who get to keep the hand-painted portrait of their furbaby tho :)

  • The non-profit & mostly volunteer-powered Portland Animal Welfare Team provides free veterinary care to the companion animals of people experiencing homelessness or extreme poverty – and they’ve been keeping up their good work despite the challenges of covid. This article not only warmed my heart, it also checked me on my prejudice around homelessness and pet parenting. I needed that.

  • Do you need an XXL dose of feel good content that’ll make your heart swell + reignite your faith in humanity? May I present: The Good People Protecting Animals from Great Big Story. This Youtube video is helping my cope with life right now, big time. *heart*

Community Discussion Prompt: Holiday Cheer

So, for real… what are you and your furbabies doing for the holidays this year? If you are keeping it extra chill (code: absolutely nothing), no judgement. In fact, that’s the same boat I’m in. A part of me does want to do something, but I’ve not yet thought of what. I’d love to hear your ideas! Please share in the comment section below :)

p.s. If you are new (welcome!) or it’s been a minute, please check out the Community Discussion Guidelines & chime in!


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Life with Junipurr